(+91) 8977262296
Mydukur, AP, India.
We are happy to announce that the Organisation is going to conduct a State Level Mega tech fest in the view of National Science Day,2024. The event is aimed at empowering the youth through technological talks,workshops, skills training, hackathons, competitions and more exciting ,informative events.
We are on a mission to assist the helpless, providing them with the support and resources they need. Join us in making a difference and transforming lives for the better.
IGNITED MINDS ORGANISATION: Registered NGO addressing social aspects. Education, healthcare, poverty alleviation, women’s empowerment, environment, and community development. Igniting minds, creating positive change. Join us to make a difference.
Hello Students,Ignited Minds is offering a practicle workshop on PYTHON PROGRAMMING to the students who wants to understand the Python Core concepts, real time application & career opportunities. If you’re such an enthusiastic person to learn and grow, Join the workshop now COURSE DETAILS :-90 Minutes DurationRegistrations Closes on : 22-09-2023 at 5PMWebinar Date : […]
Dear Candidates,Ignited Minds Organisation ,an Educational organisation always aspires to encourage and empower students and youth for the overall development of the individual with our innovative solutions and ideas. Here we are ! with a Big Annoucement ! Our Organisation is going to Provide FREE Training with job support as well. We are glad to […]
IGNITED MINDS ORGANISATION: Registered NGO addressing social aspects. Education, healthcare, poverty alleviation, women’s empowerment, environment, and community development. Ignited minds, creating positive change. Join us to make a difference.
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